Our November Speaker event – Rev. Craig Moro
Looks like we'll be comforting the afflicted rather than afflicting the comfortable on Nov. 17. This will be a combined sermon and guided meditation. I hope it offers at least some of what people need: The Five Questions of Ms. Thought—Rev. Craig Moro Years ago, in Thailand, a dear friend shared these questions with me.…
December Organizational Meeting
At these small gatherings we first plan the big event near the end of each month. Then we talk about future dates, plans and funding.We have fun and grow in community in the process.December days will be quite exciting no doubt, we might as well enjoy part of them with friends!
Potluck dinner, a bit of music, good conversations and fun
We meet outdoors at a park as often as the weather allows. Else we meet at someone's home or a rented space. Show up if you can. You'll be welcome.
Solstice mini-celebration
We'll stand around a burning yule log, sing, drink hot beverages- while recognizing the year just past and celebrating the year ahead. At our Jay and Kay's home. Outdoor fire pit and/or indoor fireplace, depending on the weather.
Organizational Meeting – Jan 6th, 2025 – Hot Soup Beforehand
We’re trying something new this month with ‘Hot Soup Beforehand’.  If you wish, arrive at 5:30 for soup & bread. Or show up at 6:15 – when we start the meeting. We will talk about this and future speaker events, along with other matters of consequence. Join us if you wish! Call Jay for the…